A mouse infestation can be recognized by droppings, gnaw marks, urine odours and sounds.
House mice are one of the most common rodents to infest human buildings. They destroy large quantities of food and feed, not only through direct consumption, but also through contamination with hair, saliva, urine and faeces.
Additional, damage is produced by gnawing materials like paper, cardboard, insulation material, packaging, textiles, cables, pipes and wood, be it for opening food containers, gaining nesting material, making slip throughs wider or simply to grind of the teeth.
House mice are harmful to health. Because they can be attacked by a variety of pathogens that can also be transmitted to humans like Rickettsialpox, Murine typhus, Leptospirosis and one severe type of Hanta virus. The germs are transmitted through contact with the faeces, urine, saliva and hair of the rodents. Furthermore, house mice can carry parasites like fleas, ticks, mites and tapeworms into human housings.
Droppings are the most encountered evidence of rodent activity. An adult house mouse typically produces 50 to 75 droppings per day. These faecal pellets are usually dark-coloured, 3 - 8mm in length, and pointed at both ends. Droppings are black when fresh, brown grey when older.
Even a small mouse infestation can produce literally thousands of droppings in a short time.
When mice are active, they produce noise by gnawing or by running in ceiling or wall voids. Because of their nocturnal activity, these sounds can be especially annoying to the human inhabitants.
Mice continuously loose urine drops as they walk about. The smell helps the mice to orientate themselves in the dark. With a substantial or long lasting infestation, a strong smell will be detected. Cats and dogs owners may see their pets excitedly sniffing, probing and scratching places where mice have been.
Rodent population will increase in conditions that allow easy access to food and good protective shelter. This should be avoided.
The best time to act against mice is in autumn, when the fields have been harvested and the cold, wet weather sets in. The pests leave their summer quarters and look for dry and warm shelter in and on buildings for the winter. It is best to catch or drive away the rodents before they have established themselves in buildings.
It is always interesting to find out how the mice came into the building. Mice need an opening of only 6mm diameter to gain entry, so there are often many access points around the perimeter of a building. Mice penetrate mainly through open or poorly closing doors and gates, through basement windows, lightning shafts, air intake openings, pipe ducts, cable ducts, cooling and ventilation systems, outdoor lights, transformer stations, switch boxes and other apertures in outer walls. If possible, access points should be sealed to prevent future infestations. SWISSINNO Rodent Stop Steel Wool is a quick and easy fix to plug wall openeings, holes and cracks.
Mice are excellent climbers. Planted facades, wood cladding and insulation offer ideal climbing aids. Prevent nesting sites: piles of wood directly on house walls, bulky rubbish on the site, dense plant strips with ground cover around the building encourage the colonization of mice.
Eliminate nesting possibilities to discourage house mice from colonising the site. Get rid of piles of wood stacked against house walls, and of bulky rubbish on the site to make the area unattractive for nesting.
Remove all food sources and avoid excessive bird feeding. Store foodstuffs, pet food and seeds in rodent-proof containers and not in bags or boxes.
Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents are an effective method of scaring mice away and preventing them from entering buildings. SWISSINNO Repellers emit high frequency sound waves in constantly changing patterns to prevent rodents from getting accustomed to the sound.
It is important to note that ultrasonic frequencies do not travel through walls, so at least one Repeller must be placed in each infested room.
Ultrasonic repellers are not completely effective on their own. For maximum control they should be incorporated into an integrated pest management strategy comprising mechanical traps with food deprivation, sanitation and the closure of access routes.
Mousetraps are an effective method of non-toxic and humane mouse control. There are 3 types of mouse traps commonly used for rodent control: Snap Traps, Catch Alive Traps, and Electronic Traps.
The following table gives an overview of the different SWISSINNO mousetraps:
A SWISSINNO mousetrap provides a quick and easy solution to a rodent control problem and it can be used many times over. A big advantage of using a mousetrap is that it retains the animal’s carcass so that the ‘trapper’ can dispose of it safely. Death by poison is never instantaneous so the animal may leave the scene and die out of sight in an inaccessible place like behind the skirting boards or under the floor boards where it will decompose emitting noxious odours and attracting flies, maggots and other insects into the home.
Mouse trapping: How to go about it:
It is better to fight mice with traps. Swissinno advises against the use of poison bait for several reasons: