Hmyz se rychle množí a ovlivní váš životní styl.
Past zachytí všechny druhy lezoucího hmyzu.
Jedovaté pasti mohou být hrozbou pro vaše domácí mazlíčky a rodinu.
Past na lezoucí hmyz SWISSINNO je bezpečná a bez toxinů.
1. Vyjměte z ochranného obalu.
2. V případě potřeby připevněte past.
3. Kontrolujte pasti týdně.
1. Vyjměte z ochranného obalu.
2. V případě potřeby připevněte past.
3. Kontrolujte pasti týdně.
4. Relax bez těchto škůdců.
The revolutionary cockroach trap works on the principle that cockroaches are attracted to the natural bait and become permanently stuck to the glue inside the trap.
The trap is effective in both domestic and small commercial premises: kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, cellars, apartments, bakeries, hotels, pubs, etc. Place traps in places where you think cockroaches congregate. Typical hiding places are under sinks, behind refrigerators, inside cupboards, behind wardrobes.
Discard a trap when its glue surface is completely smothered with dead cockroaches, or after 3 months use, whichever is sooner.
Nothing in a new unused trap can harm children or pets. The body of a cockroach, however, can carry food poisoning organisms, and dysentery, gastro-enteritis and typhoid germs. Therefore, keep children and pets away from any trap in active use to ensure that they do not come into contact with an entrapped cockroach.